Monday, October 24, 2011

Grey Knights - Dreadknight

Hello all,

This is one of my favorite figure, and I had some conversion ideas about this, however the reality is more different :) One day I will buy another one, and will do that conversion. Whatever; I spent almost 40 hours for all modeling, basing, and painting. The main reason I tried some techniques on another piece instead of applying to model. My saver was again GW's wash paints. They are really amazing. Well, let me show you what I did...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Grey Knights - From Reserves

Hey all,

After traveled UK for Gamesday 2011, amount of my figures are a bit increased :) I could get a chance to get some new models for my GK army, and I wanted to finish their painting. As you can see I painted a dreadnought, a librarian and a techmarine (actually techpriest engineer model I used)

I spend almost 25-30 hours for paintin, and basing. I tried some techniques but I wont talk about them, because I couldnt apply them as good as I assume. Anyway, here the photos...