Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grey Knights

I started Warhammer hobby with 40K, however i couldnt show enough importance to 40K armies. When Grey Knight army renewed, I decided to collect miniatures. And after a while (I accept I am a lazy person) I started to modelling and painting GK army.

My favorite model type at 40K is terminator armor ones. So I bought terminators for GK army. During modelling phase one of my friend (thanks to Murat Takavci) help for posing GK terminators, so I cant say how many I spent for modelling but i know i spent average 15-20 min for basing. (I used some parts of old cellular phone and cork pieces)

Overall painting time was approximately 50-60 hours (except Land Raider, which was painted by Murat Takavci also). Here some pictures of my GK Army.